The Rape of Angelina
Of Glastonbury, 1199 AD, 3rd Ed. ILL
[The Green Knight]
Dennis L. Siluk
Copyright, Dennis L. Siluk
All Rights Reserved © 2003
Second Edition, Revised
To my wife Rosa for her long enduring patience,
And Jon McWilliams for the several books he has processed for me;
And Mike Altman for the work he has done on “Islam, In Search of Satan’s Rib”
And their associates for their assistance in
Getting my books out.
Picture on the back cover of the book is of the author
At the grave site of King Arthur at the
Glastonbury Abbey, England
Additional pictures of the Author in he area
Of Avalon in back of book
A special thanks goes to Yang Yang
International Artist
For giving me permission to use his painting
For the cover of this book, “The Rape of Angelina…”
Dedication Page:
Because of my wife’s liking for this story so much, and wanting me to revise it, --in addition, adding illustrations and an Afterward, that is not in the First Edition, and so I have; --and the reader has now a ‘New Revised, Illustrated, Second Edition,’ and I dedicate it to her, with all my love, Rosa.
Note to the reader: In the first Edition, 2002, there was a Part One, being the story of Angelina, and a Part Two which had a commentary on Betrayal, and a short story called Astroid-2019; these two items have been taken out of this edition at the request of the author, and replaced with two additional parts, see below.
The Poem: “The Lioness of Glastonbury”
[As Prologue/Introduction]
Chapters Include:
Chapter One London to Glastonbury
Chapter Two Glastonbury – Avalon
Chapter Three Angelina – The Diary
Chapter Four The Sword
Chapter Five Gog and Magog
Chapter Six The Inn
Chapter Seven The Wolf
Chapter Eight Chalice Well
Chapter Nine On Top of the Tor
Chapter Ten The Analysis
Chapter Eleven Last Words
Chapter Twelve Next Day
Included at the end of the chapters and story of: “The Rape of Angelina…” is two additions to the book, the “Afterward,” and pictures with information about the locations [Gog & Magog; Chalice Well; the Tor; and The Abbey, and its Barn].
About the author and his books
About the Authors trip to Glastonbury
About the Art Work:
Pictures inside this book: “The Rape of Angelina of Glastonbury 1099 AD, 2ndEd.Ill” as well as the cover were done by Yang Yang, International Artist from China. He has been living in the United States for twenty-year, and was a professor at a University in Iowa. Presently he lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, with his wife Zuxin, where they have a gallery Permission was given by the artist to use his paintings.
1) Picture One: The Three Knights
2) Picture Two: The First Knight & Angelina
3) Picture Three: The Rape of Angelina
4) Picture Four: The Knights and Angelina
5) Picture Five: Angelina in Despair
6) Picture Six: Unknown Dreams of Angelina
Note: Web site for the author.
The Story:
The Rape of Angelina,
Of Glastonbury
In 1278 AD, a poem was written about a maiden and a knight that appeared in Glastonbury around the year 1202 AD, he was called the Green Knight; he was there visiting the grave site of King Arthur, in the small village of Glastonbury, along with King Richard I [the Lion Heart], with an escort of some 200-soldiers on horseback. The Green Knight rode along side of the King as they entered the village road that led to the Abbey site where Arthur was buried; the site being somewhat destroyed some years earlier by fire, yet many of the foundations were still standing. During this visit, the Green Knight noticed a young girl called Angelina, and the rest is history. The poem was found written on the barn door at the Abbey where King Arthur is buried nearby. The visitor who found it was a soldier who showed it to King Edward I, who paid little attention to it.
The anonymous writer left no name only the poem and the soldier wrote it down and kept it in his house for posterity. And the remains of the poem were kept on microfiche in the vaults of one of the Universities of England for safekeeping. It was not until recently that it was found by someone doing research on Mother Shipton [a prophetess] that the poem showed up. This person then went to Glastonbury to investigate, and the story you are about to read is the story that came out of the research, to include the poem.
The poem has been modified for the sake of the reader from Old English, to a clearer reading and understanding by the author, and there are no other copies of this poem in existence other than the microfiche copy the author has, and the University has. Nor can the writer [author] disclose what University the poem was taken from and given to him, after its discovery, on behalf of the request of the institution.
The Lioness of Glastonbury
[Angelina and the Green Knight]
The lion roars
I know it’s true
In a tale told long ago
In a little village of old
In this land where legends
Bare their souls
The Abbey and the Crusades
Two legends and two Kings
One buried, one rode through
This little village
Both heroes of Merry England
In a day,--a day
A lioness was born
As She glanced from eye to eye
Her kind heart was stripped then torn
Truly, —truly, they raped her clean
But a lioness then was born
In the barn, towers high and steep
—So bold they made
This maiden—weep
She lay there strong with grace
They gave no dignity
On soil and soul
Each man laid his bodies bare
As if the tower-beams
Didn’t care
And they raped at will
With laughter, smiles and seed
As blood came from her youthful soul
And upon her knees
Then two Knights left
As one Knight fell to sleep
To rest, his evil deeds
I tell you no more of these
Great warriors of the Crusades
But warn you, if you please
Yet I dare say:
All Knights beware
Who enter this village steep?
Ride down the hill unto the Abbey
Seek King Arthur if you will
For he is in his grave
But do not bring disgrace
Dear guest
For the lioness bears her teeth
All three Knights
Found their fate
And also found their sleep
They say that no man knew
Nor found the praetor
Of Little Glastonbury
But yet the tale is told
A whisper, a glance
Came from a Soul
A Great Knight, as he was known
Dashing, flashing with his mane
No armor plate, no silver sword
Just upon his handsome horse
He remained
By the side of King Richard
He rode into Glastonbury
With an Alive branch
Within his grip
And eyes for the merry maiden
(Who stood alone)?
He looked upon her fair skin—
Her, beauty, and within her soul
Then gripped his horse
With one hand, -- dismounted
With ease
Kneeling upon one knee
For all he was renowned
Well known and fearsome
Throughout the lands
Of Franks and Muslim’s
And there he knelt
From head to toe
All Dressed in Casmir Green
He whispered to this lovely maiden
With golden hair, and eyes of blue
“Will you marry me fair lady,
For my heart belongs to you~”
And so the story’s told
For there is where he lived
– In Old Glastonbury
Until his death in 1222 [AD]
Chapter One
London to Glastonbury
It was April 2002; I was in London waiting for my train to Glastonbury. I had used the Internet to find a way to get to Glastonbury; my travel Agent one that I had used for setting me up tours for some fifteen-year couldn’t come up with a good way for me to visit this little village of Glastonbury while in London on a vacation, other than having a taxi pick me up some forty-miles away from there and taking me there and visiting the place for a few hours; that just was not good enough. Being a seasoned traveler I thought it would be easy but it really wasn’t. That is, unless one wants to take an escorted tour of the whole of England and Scotland, but then you would only get a half-day in Glastonbury anyhow. I had been to the countryside of England before, to a number of locations, but never to Glastonbury.
In any case, I did not give up, I contacted by Internet a sole proprietor tour company in Glastonbury; the owner’s name was Jason, he owned a bookstore in town. He made life easy compared to the escorted tour thing, and the taxi idea; he even met me at the train station when I first arrived. But let me back up here a little bit.
I had to go to some little town I never heard of, Castle Cary, and that really would have confused my travel agent, I couldn’t even find it on the map until I got one of those maps at the train station that show you every house on every block, and every stop sign almost. ‘Yup,’ I said, ‘there it is.’
When I got there [meaning: Castle Cary] I was wondering if I was at the right place: I thought I was in some western town like Tombstone, in Arizona. He did show up, and drove me into Avalon, or as some would have me say, Glastonbury. But I think Avalon is part of Glastonbury. Or put another way, maybe it is the other way around, that being, Glastonbury is part of Avalon [which ever one was first history].
As we traveled the countryside to the town-let, it was quite beautiful, seemingly more breathtaking than I had thought it would be, as was the countryside coming in by train, rather than by bus.
As Jason drove, I was quiet impressed by the small train station yet. It was like it come right out of a western movies but it was real. I mentioned it to Jason, and he chuckled.
As I reflected as we drove through the countryside to the town of Glastonbury, I thought about how I leaped off the train onto the cement platform, and faced the brick station. The little house station was made mostly out of wood, but had its share of red brick. How charming! Like I was thinking, Jessie James style, unique: or so such an image came to me, having been in Northfield, where Mr. James robbed the bank here in the 1880s.
And then Jason standing there saying, “You must be Lee,” as I was looking around for him, he was right in back of me.
I looked; he was pleasant looking, in his mid late forties; long hair, blue jeans, a brown vest, and a piece of paper in his hand. I had my hat on as always, one made of wool [felt], which I picked up about five years prior to this visit in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I also had on my blue jean vest on, and jean pants, with a light sweater, and a cashmere scarf I picked up in London, for there was a chill in the air.
We stood for a moment just kind of staring at one another, as I got acclimated to my surroundings, and he to me, then he invited me to his vehicle which was a van, for a ride in to Glastonbury.
And here we are sitting in the canVan, on our way to the land of myths and legends, to Avalon, and the Tor. Avalon for the most part is an area that has a number of hills; some say it was at one time an island. Today it is more like a grazing field of sorts: cows roam up and down it freely. And the Tor seems to be a manmade hill in the middle of an ancient island. But everything is connected today. Meaning, it is not separated with water, that is, the island of Avalon and Glastonbury seem to blend into one another.
When we got to the town of Glastonbury, Jason drove me directly to the B&B he had arranged for me to stay at, for three days during my visit; it was on the tip of the Tor, things couldn’t get much better.
He said we would be going on our tour in about forty-minutes, he was waiting for a newspaper woman, who was going to meet us on our journey today, and do an article on Avalon; my kind of guy, down to business.
Evidently, she had lived in the town of Glastonbury for several years; I thought she should know all there is to know but maybe not. At any rate, I told myself, it would be a good experience to have some company. And she was very good company: I was not married at the time, and so I traveled the world alone.
As Jason showed us around the countryside, and the town of Glastonbury, the ancient sanctuary or Abbey should I say, where King Arthur was buried, I got goose-bumps: thinking this whole area was a sacred center overflowing with legends. This is where the Holy Grail, the chalice of the Last Supper was; King Arthur, the Round Table and the Glastonbury Zodiac; along with the Isle of Avalon, where the sacred egg-stone was. And of course there was that Abbey where King Arthur was buried, which burned in the late 12th Century, and the Tower Abbey on top of the Tor.
I had visited Stonehenge a few years back but you couldn’t do anything but look from behind a fence; what a squander of time and money. I guess it is nice to say you saw it, but that is all you can say you really can’t absorb it. And the tour I was with, only allowed you to stay for forty-five minutes what a shame, what a loss. They wanted to get you to Bath for some odd reason, look at the Roman baths, as if it could hold a candle to Stonehenge, which I did not think it could. So, this was better, Avalon in the bare; there were no fences as I noticed when we arrived at the tip of the Tor, where the B&B was. The Tour was quite informative, although I had done my research prior to this, and knew almost where everything would be located anyway.
I asked questions, and gave some of my ideas about the terraces, feeling there were entrances into the Tor terraces where one could get on his knees possibly and move around the terraces. Jason didn’t disagree he simply smiled. Many legends are stored in this area; I guess who can say for sure anything. If there were cave like tunnels, as legend would have it, maybe this was a way to the underworld, as proclaimed. Also Chalice Well nearby is said to have such an entrance also: an entrance to the underworld. After the tour I went back to the Tor. I would find myself going back five times in the three days I was there.
Chapter Two
Glastonbury to me is an outshoot of Avalon or at least that is the way I have seen it. It really couldn’t be to the contrary after being there; Avalon was old with many wounds long before Glastonbury was born. But nonetheless, Glastonbury claims it as the Tor of Glastonbury, rather than the Tor of Avalon, not sure why. But they are proud in all respects.
This area dates back to a very old period. It is located in the Somerset area of England. An area dating back to 4,000 BC; and still if you were to look for artifacts like flints and so forth, the period would pre-date 20,000 BC, and possible 75,000 BC.
It was April of 2002, when the wind pushed me about a little bit: --, as I stood on the Tor [hill-of Avalon], -- but I found it to be most interesting standing there, that is, the power of the wind, the mystic waves in the air, the myths that were seeping into my veins, making the place come alive.
The woman who owned the Bed & Breakfast on the edge of the Tor, the proprietor that is, was also enchanted with the place; --amazingly, still after so many years. She painted the Tor on every conceivable item, for example: Glasses, cups, curtains, paintings, postcards, bookmarkers; you name it; she drew it, in many different dimensions and colors. She also had it on the wall-rugs.
I suppose it was hard for her not to be co-dependent on such a magnetic force as the Tor being on your door steps in which the B&B was planted right on its body.
I enjoyed visiting the Glastonbury village when I wasn’t on the tour or the Tor. Matter of fact, I found an Inn I had a good huge steak in. And found myself walking by the Abbey, which was for the most part destroyed, but that is what created its enchanting value, I think. You knew it tasted the hard gothic part of humanity especially as one stood standing by the Tower on the Tor, and glanced to the Abbey area of Glastonbury, you can see the sun as it rises to the summit and over the Tor. It was the first week of April, and I am not sure if that extends beyond that time, but it was but a glimpse into the pulse of the myths.
This area at one time could have been called the wetlands; it was full of hills and sites. There was almost a magic to the area; Chalice Well being the entrance to the Underworld, was close by the Bed & Breakfast I was staying at, just a hop-skip-and-jump to its back yard gardens; and the water was as pure as any on earth—and the huge trees called Gog and Magog, after two giants of old; and relating to Biblical events. And then they have the Glastonbury Zodiac. It surely is a world of its own, the Tor being an artificial feature originating in Neolithic times, if not older.
I chose this story to add into this book because of its nature, when one reads the stories of Avalon and its surrounding area one finds out many things, such as you can notice the outline of a huge lion delineated by the river Cary and an ancient road.
King Richard the Lion Hearted of England, a warrior like King Arthur whom is buried at the Glastonbury Abbey, shares a little part of the lore of Avalon… but I do want to get into this area quite yet, the story part that is, for folklore will come alive at is own subtle pace. As I lay upon the windy thick grass of the Tor one day, an old man came by and sat by me. He said he was drawn to the Tor, like any of his comrades in the village.
He explained, “No one really knows why they come here, that is the residents of Glastonbury, which was down the hill a-ways as you leave the Tor.”
But he added, “We seem to find ourselves here, and when we wake up to that fact, we are standing here, we look around. And here I see you.”
I then introduced myself.
He asked if I wanted to know about Angelina. I asked, “Who is she?”
“She is my great, great, great…” then he hesitated, and finished, “She goes back a long ways to about 1199 AD, at the end of the Crusades. She was a great grandmother of sorts. I am related to her.”
I asked, “Why would I want to know about her?” which I kind of did now want to know.
“Because it is April, and that is the month she was born in. And the month she was raped. And the month she died.”
I hesitated, he smiled, and I wasn’t sure what kind of face to put on.
Then he said, “At Chalice Well, you will see a Lion’s Head. Angelina was a lioness. Although people thought she was timid, and coy, she was far from it. When she died, in 1221 AD, she left her diary, and the story of the three soldiers who wanted to rape her; one did the other two… Well, that’s part of the story; no one ever found out what happened to them or for that matter, how they died. But I know I got the diary. I found it in 1984, hidden in the old Abbey Barn, that place has a magnificent roof, doesn’t it?”
I told him I had seen it and it was a piece of art and an engendering feat.
“Where is the diary now?” I asked.
“I read it, and I hid it.”
And that was all he was going to tell me about that. But I asked him to tell me about his Great…grandmother. Evidently she died about at the age of 35.
“Incidentally, my name is Arthur, you know, after the king,” he smiled and started to tell me the story, word-by-word out of the diary, evidently he had memorized it.
Chapter Three
The Diary
The Three Knights
AD 1199
It was a sunny morning, a Friday in my little village of Glastonbury. A few dogs were barking as they ran down the Tor of Avalon, as they always do, but a distance from the town I live in or I guess you could say by. Some people call the Tor, the Tor of Glastonbury, while others call it the Tor of Avalon. Anyway, the roosters were singing, trying to wake up the live souls of the countryside, as well as the town, and the dead ones under the Tor. There are legends you know of the priests and others who found tunnels leading around the Tor in a maze like form. Some got stuck in there never to return. I think portions of the Tor collapse on them. While others, a few that is, made it out, but went crazy. Matter of fact, my grandpa says, wasn’t all that long ago when three priests came out of the tunnel in a half looking daze. They were never the same again.
Angelina is my name, I am 13 years old, but will be 14 by the time this diary is finished, I hope. Anyway, I walked by the big Yew trees not far from the Tor, as I do most everyday, thinking about its legend of the giants that were called by the names, Gog and Magog, the Bible proclaimed these names to mean other things I guess; my grandmother told me so. I mentioned them because I love climbing them, and it will become a part of an ugly situation I must explain in this diary. I love climbing those trees. They are like grandfathers to me, big, and a little clumsy, but always calm, and comforting. My real grandpa that is, you know, how they smile and everything seems to turn all right.
I was always safe within their branches of the big yews. I could see all around the area from high up in their ancient old branches. I sure miss them even as I write this down this very minute. You know, I could see Chalice Hill, the Tor, some farmland to the East, and Wearyall Hill to the Northwest. Sometimes if I climbed high enough I could see the River Brue.
As I was saying, this morning I was walking down the hill to the village where on one side the Tor is, and the other the yews. The two most soul gripping landmarks around in our area, except for my lovely city of Glastonbury, where none other than the great King Arthur is resting in peace at the Abbey, I would soon walk by there, and onward to visit my grandfather, who lived alone by the Abbey. It was to be my 14th birthday tomorrow. I would not be a kid after that, yaw, and no more a kid. It’s funny, one day you are, and the next you’re not. But mama says we all grow up so fast, us kids that is; but I was looking forward to be a growing woman, or so I felt. And somehow by the time I’m done with this diary, I will again. Something in my body tells me this. I can’t put a finger on it, but you know what I’m talking about, don’t you? Sure you do.
Oh, a good thing went through my mind, -- as I walked down the second hill leading into Glastonbury, it went through my mind the news that everyone was talking about, which was that the Crusades were ending, if not over. It takes a while for the word to get back sometimes to our village. The word was, King Richard the Lion Hearted was coming home. He never did stay much in England though, always off to war it seemed, but none-the-less, he is a brave king, much like King Arthur, a king to be loved and feared, and most of all, admired. I love them both so very much. There are not other such kings I’ve ever heard about, from France or Germany that were so great. And someday, I would find my king, my prince to marry. Whoever he is, when I marry him, he will be like one of them two. They are my heroes. I know I’m a dreamer, mother says so, but dad says dreams come true, and then he whispers in my ear, “Just look, I married your mother,” and we laugh, but mom, she doesn’t know our secret. Oh dad’s so much fun.
But I know I’m still young, although I’m developing well for a young woman. My breasts are starting to show through my dresses now; they hurt sometimes, and are hard, but my girlfriends all tell me it’s the way things are, you know, part of becoming a woman. They also tell me to cross my legs so the boys don’t look up my dress. I can’t believe boys do that. Mom never told me that, nor dad, or for that matter grandpa.
As I was saying, I am developing, and I do notice a few boys looking at me, so I must be a little pretty. I have a slim waist, whom I know is eye catching for the boys, they tell me so, and they like to put their hands on it as if to measure it, but I slap their hands right off. I’m not as dumb as they think I am. I pretend not to know many things. I think they think that’s attractive, for some odd reason; --I think they feel more complete then.
And I really do not want to compete, nor do I care for any boy around here. My married partner will be a knight, a prince, a king maybe. He will take me by the hand and I will know instantly he is my mate to be. It will be love at first sight. Oh, yes. Grandpa says it’s possible. And some of my girlfriends think I’m foolish to follow such a fairy tale dream. But look at King Arthur he married Guenevere. She was beautiful, and I will be also. That is why I am taking care of myself now.
My hair is growing long like hers. I know she was a princess before she married King Arthur, but…but, you know, it’s possible. Grandpa says it is. I know she was a betrayal to Arthur, but I will not be to my husband. Oh no, not me. I will be passionate, wise and he will be courageous. I still like Guenevere, she is not a true heroine though, but grandpa says we do things out of nature, I guess that means evil enchants us some how. And it strikes deadly blows that are what happened to King Arthur and Guenevere I think.
My eyes and hair were like the sun shinning over the Tor, so very soft looking, when I looked at them in my mirror. I was a beauty and would be fourteen years old in one day tomorrow is my birthday. Some of my friends got married at 13, but I was going to wait until 15, my grandfather told me it was wise that I become more learned before I take such a step. And I wanted to be wise like Guenevere; and so I would wait.
One of the things I loved the most, especially when I walked to my grandfather’s house was walking by, and sometimes playing in the Abbey on top of the Tor [400-feet up]; it could be a long walk up the hill, but when everyone was gone, I’d climb up, and pretend I was a ball, rolling down the slopes or as someone was chasing me; I’d roll over the terraces of the Tor, by the cows, and sometimes end up on my knees. They’d be green like the grass, but it was fun. It is just a manmade hill, some people say, but I know it is much more; and so do the cows that graze there, and chase me.
When I wanted to stop rolling down its slopes I’d grab the long grass; it was so strong, I think its roots went right to the top of the Tor, or all the way to the Yew trees.
Sometimes I felt I never wanted to grow up and have to deal with men, and chores. Just roll down the hill of the Tor, and visit the Abbey in the village where the great king was buried. Then my body seemed to think different at times when I got thinking about heroes, and cute looking boys.
My stomach would ache recently thinking about my hero, who he would be. I’d even dream about him. But who could match my King or knight, my choice, which could be nothing less. But God would not give me somebody I didn’t want, --I knew that. And so if I have to wait until I’m 16 or even 17, I will.
I started skipping down the rest of the hill, by the Town Abbey, which was to my left, and so I turned to the left to walk along its side as I always do, that way I could see King Arthur’s gravesite through the stonewalls. The walls were in sections, and parts were somewhat destroyed by a fire, and this one section was lowered because of wars long ago; portions of the Abbey were lying about, like great stone monuments. Grandpa remembers the Abbey when it was all together. He said it was grand as grand can be. Like that Cathedral I hear they are building in Paris-France, Notre Dame, and Westminster Abbey in London Town.
Then all of a sudden three soldiers rode up by me; they seem to come from out of nowhere. I was a little startled, my eyebrows went up, and I caught my breath for a moment, I stretch my neck to look up at the three men on horseback; they seem to be like towers to my small frame, for I was only 5’ feet tall. They looked massive as the sun reflected off their faces, and shields tied to their horses, and long, very long swords attached to their sides. It was like they were shinning all over the place.
The horses had armament all over them, and the soldiers had huge looking faces, beards, and big belts that looked like they could put around a tree. Their skins were golden bronze, like leather, and two had red hair; one, the younger one, had black hair.
As I continued looking up at them, I was dumfounded, speechless, my throat went dry, not sure why, but it did. I just didn’t expect three huge knights to stop. They were from the Crusades I told myself, heroes of war I told myself. The horse’s nostrils were steaming, trying to grasp some more air. It evidently was a long ride. Sweat was pouring off their mane, and bellies. You could see their stomachs going in and out trying to get more air.
“Good day sirs, my name is Angelina. Can I help you with direction?” I said with a sigh of relief once I got my shock feeling in place.
Some jewelry was dangling from all of the wrists of the knights. I remember walking by the Inn down in the village and the knights that stopped by for ale used to say it was warned by the Arabs to keep demons at a distance, to distract. So they must be from the Holy Land, although I heard the war was over about five years ago, when I was but a youngster. I think this 3rd Crusade lasted about five years, or so I was told. I can’t believe they are still returning home, but maybe.
They were strangers. I smiled, and the more innocent I looked with my smile and confused, the more these three looked at one another. Then all three started staring at me as if they were lost for words; again, for the second time they looked at one another: --nodding as if it was a signal, and then they started to dismount.
I smiled again, and pointed to the grave of my hero King Arthur, thinking that is what they wanted to see, for many, even past kings, had come to his gravesite to pay their respects.
As all the three were dismounted, I looked around kind of nervous because no one really said anything, some grunts and staring but not really any words. I noticed there was really no one about. But why I was looking about anyway, I asked myself.
Now I caught the eyes of the huge one, the one that seemed to be the leader. He had bushy red hair, as he took the inside of his helmet off his head, which looked like a cashmere [goat] scarf, keeping his hair in place, it evidently was used for his helmet, which he tucked into the metal helmet as he tied his horse to the nearby tree.
I looked up at him, he was the tower of Babel, I had read about in the Bible, and Mom read the story to me. There were not many bibles around, and most women could not read, but mama could, and the bible was given to her by the Abbey priest years ago before the Abbey burnt down. She would clean out the stables and the Abbey free for him, for years, and in return he taught her to read.
He was twice my size in height it seemed, and three-times, if not more times my weight, I think. I know I was less than 100-lbs dad kids me about that. But he says I will grow and develop soon.
He then took off his sword from his belt, and tied it someway to the horse, I looked at the other two, and noticed I was the main focus of them also, so I discovered as my heart started to beat twice as fast, almost jumping out of my chest; it was not the grave site they were interest in, I know that now, it was... is “Me…
Meeeeeeeeee! Oh no, really meeeeeee they wanted. “But why, I am just a kid? Answer me.” They pretend not to hear me.
He started smiling now, not sure why, the huge one, the “big…fat pig, heeeeeeeeeiiissssssssss looking at meeeeeee
eeeeee again.”
I turned my face, I don’t want to look at him anymore, he’s going to do something, and I don’t want to see it. Oh, he is … pissing by the tree, and it is hanging out, his, you know…snake… I don’t want to see.”
I am looking at the red headed soldier now, he is tall and thin, but older than the other two; he has some wrinkles around his eyes, forehead, and sunspots on his hands. But he looks rugged, tough.
And the Black Hair Boy, he is in his early 20’s I think, he is younger, and kinder looking than the other two, not sure if he is English or one of those Islamic-Arabs. He does not have a white completion, he has a straight nose and square jaw, piercing blue eyes though, long black hair; where did he get those blue eyes, and they do not go with the rest of him for some odd reason; his skin is more bronze, a natural color, not all from the sun. On his saddle he has an Arabic number “۳ ” not sure what it means, I think it is a symbol though. I have just noticed on the tall thin men arm a tattoo; it is a cross of sorts, †. I don’t want to turn around and see that huge man he scares me.
The huge one grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up like a toy, like a small watermelon I suppose you could say, jumped over the stonewall and is carrying me over to the Abbey Barn. The other two we see right behind me. I feel like a cow, a bundle of hay being carried, my head is bobbing up and down. The two are starting to smile I’m kind of upside down. He’s walking faster my side is hurting me. He is caring me with one arm around my waist and I think I just kicked him in the face.
“Ouch,” he just hit my butt, -- slapped it. The other two are starting to laugh. I thought the young one was kinder, but he is like the tall thin one.
“Ouch, ouch…”He is pinching my legs, “STOP…PP…please ss
١ sssSS.”
He is bringing me into the barn. I don’t believe this. He just threw me on my back onto the ground; I can see the towering beams staring at me from above, I feel like passing out; I think I hurt my spine.
He’s tearing off my garments, and the other two are just staring at me.
Why do they not do something?
The First Knight & Angelina
“Please stop him…” I cried.
All they do is stare at me as he is doing this my pretty dress.
I just kicked dirt in his face from the barn floor.
“Ouch…” he just slapped my face, if he does it again, I will pass out. He is very strong.
I am looking at the sides of the barn I never really noticed before, and I’ve been in here a hundred times, it is made of brick, that is why it is so cool in here, and now, now my body is naked, and they are all staring at me. Oh God, now what?
The windows are in the form of crosses, circles, and light coming through them. The two men are still standing by me, watching the huge one. The young one just staring, I can see his eyes, but he is looking at my legs, and the huge one spread them apart.
And the tall thin one has a smirk on his face.
The huge one just threw my torn dress to my side; I lay there bare before these beasts. They are not heroes. I want to close my eyes, sleep I do not want to know what they are going to do next. I know.
I am naked, naked…”Stoppppppppp…” the more I cry the more the big man pushes my legs apart.
The young one and the thin one are grabbing my wrists now.
The Rape of Angelina
He is putting his body weight on me now, and that snake is hard as a rock, I can’t breath. I think I’m going to die.
He is inside of me, inside my skin, I feel like I’m coming apart, he is ripping me, like I’m being cut open.
It seemed to me the roof was caving in on me. My head was hitting the ground as he pushed in and out; I thought I was going to pass out. I didn’t scream anymore, I wanted to be a soldier, I was a lion inside now, what more could he do. I hated this man I told myself, and his two followers. King Arthur would not allow this, nor would King Richard to know this was to take place he would kill the soldiers. He would have had them killed, slaughtered.
And now the thin and big ۲ man was taking off his cloths, getting ready.
I lay there as if I was frozen. I will not give them pleasure other than what they can imagine while they do what they please. I am a lion, and my silence means I will hunt them down like King Arthur did with the unmoral subjects of his kingdom.
Am I dreaming? Open your eyes! Oh no, here he comes, the thin man. I forgot for a moment, I am only 13-year old, a kid. I feel like a warrior being punished for being an enemy. They are the enemy I am a soldier from King Arthur’s roundtable. And they were the forces of evil.
Like King Richard the Lion Heart, if I was born a man, I would have struck them dead right this minute, this very minute. But I am a lioness, and a lioness thinks first, and reacts later; we have to be more cleaver than the beast, wait, and be shrewd.
The war starts now. And now he entered me this thin beast. He is looking right into my eyes; his mouth is foaming with saliva, dripping on my belly. I will smile at him, and not cry, as he pulls me to him, like a slab of beef on a butcher’s table. I will show him the lioness will not surrender.
He just knocked the wind out of me, I can’t breathe again, and I am gasping for air; damn! He was quicker than the huge beast. Thank God, but is that all there is to it, to his kind of sex, why does he go through all this trouble for a few minutes, about nine minutes. I was counting to keep my mind going; --I counted up to five hundred.
The Knights and Angelina
Now the two men are standing talking over me, as if I was a ham, I want to swear at them, call them all kinds of nasty names, but I will not lower my dignity to that. I am dizzy; I need to focus my eyes. They are telling the young one to take me, and afterwards to meet them at the Inn, which is down the road.
Even the Arab warrior Saladin would not do this. I have heard about that warrior, and King Richard was going to marry his nephew’s sister. And so he must have been a little honorable. But this young knight, I think is an Arab will turn into a beast soon.
They have now left, and the young man is undressing. I thought so he wants me also. And he will kill me, I know, he will have to.
I will have to suffer one more time, I can’t avoid this, and I can’t think of what to do. But I will pretend I like it, get him to get off guard. That is how soldiers fight. They look for a weak point in the castle, and that is where they attack. My grandfather was a soldier, and he told me that. He said his comrades would find a vulnerable spot in the fortress, and put most of their efforts into seizing that area. And so I shall, there is no other way.
He is raping me like a prostitute at the Inn, I heard they sell themselves to the men and make lots of money, why don’t they just go there, in Town, the Inn is only a short distance away, and now I had to pretend I liked it. He would most likely have to kill me so I couldn’t tell the town’s folk. But maybe they were not afraid of that. There would be no justice for these soldiers should I die, they are heroes to all. They will say the war made them do it. And all will feel sorry for them and they will go free. I must hold my tears: --there would be time later for that I have a plan.
Angelina in Despair
Angelina’s Thoughts
Doubts could only weaken me, I would look back at them; I can’t allow that; fate would deny me my prize if I did, my prince, my knight, my life. I am not like the others who marry whoever, whenever, somewhere, anywhere along the hills and valleys of this land. Life will stop for me, like them.
This was like blood seeping from me; --I have to stop it, clear the way for the return of my life. I need to be a master strategist, exercising control over my terrifying ordeal. I need to set ambushes cleverly, for I am out numbered, use darkness for advantages --also surprise. I know I can win a great war with a little hope; it is all I have now.
Grandpa once said it is no secret if you just tell one soul, I will tell no one, not even my soul my mind, no one. Grandpa was in a war, he knows how to battle. He told me many times, I remember him saying you have to look for the one with the most courage and kill him first, for he was the most dangerous. But I will do that second. They want to take everything away from meee all that belongs to my futurerrrrr and I have to accept their fate for me. NoooooooOOO!! I have the answer, a deadly one. This will be their last conquest. What comes from your heart mom says, comes out of your mouth. And so it was war that came from their heart, and it is war that will bind them. Dad used to say if you live by the sword you will die by the sword that is why he buried his, long before he married mom. I will not marry a man who will die by the sword, just like mom.
Chapter Four
The Sword
Now the young soldier is naked, he’s ٣ spreading my legs just like the others did, as if I was a piece of butter; his thumbs in my thighs, it hurts, but nothing like the weight from the huge one, but it still hurts. I wish he were kinder. He is doing as he pleases I am a mere nothing.
But he doesn’t see the lioness in me, King Arthur could or King Richard. But I’m not going to resist, or show him the line yet.
He likes my smile, for the first time he looked at me with tenderness, I think that is because he wants I want him. You know, say how much I enjoy him.
“Ouchhhhhhhh…” my cheeks are numb, I’m trying to look at how he is doing it. I don’t even know where he is, but on top of me; my face is under his chest, and he stinks of old sweat, like a fish; he’s going to break my bones if he squeezes me any harder.
I see his sword it is on the left side of him. He is jumping like a rabbit. What kind of thing is this gee! I hope it is more than this when I get… I can’t say it, “Ouchhhhhhhcc…
۳ Chh, damn, damnnnn…it hurts.”
Don’t these soldiers ever talk, or is it some kind of ritual, when you rape you say nothing. There is blood coming out of me, on my legs, I hope he didn’t cut me with his knife; I didn’t see him do it. Why the blood? He sees my tears. He is wiping them, some kind of compassion. There he goes; he did it, that crazy sound and jump, as if his insides exploded. I know he’s going to stop soon the other two did when this happened.
I saw a smile on his face, from the corner of my eye, again. What kind of a smile is that when you hurt me, and smile? Steal my life from me. He smiled again, the third. I gave him what he wanted, no resistance, what is this stupid smile of his for. As if I liked it. I was saving myself for my hero, not for this piece of dirt. I wanted a hero, not a dirty soldier like this in a barn. How dare he smile so many times!
Now he entered me again. Damn, I am really sore; I can’t stop the tears anymore. I’m trying to smile.
“Push” he said.
These were the first words I heard from his mouth, and so I pushed, but thought, -- ‘what for?’ he’s pushing. Matter of fact he is pushing me so hard it seems I will break my back bone soon; damn, I can’t push, he’s too heavy for me to even move.
He was not gentle at…at all not, not gentle, but not so mean looking as he was before. Now he looks a little safer. Now is my opening, the vulnerable spot grandpa told me about concerning the castles. The other two stopped, but this monster keeps going on and on.
He is robbing me of everything. Stealing my life I had saved for a later date; he doesn’t know maybe I am not fifteen years old yet, but he didn’t ask.
Not now it is too late to ask. He is inside of me again, but his snake is not as hard or long as before. There he goes again, with that explosion, and those faces, as if someone is strangling him. My grandpa said there is a price for everything, and I am a lioness, like King Richard.
He stopped, thank God; is he going to do it again, oooooooo
I hope not. He is pulling himself to his knees, trying to catch his breath. I have to think fast, I do not want him to go, not yet, not quite yet. I would never see him again; or I would be dead. And I feel now like lion. I have gone through the war, and he is the weak part of the castle, this moment, before he gets his strength back. I know this to be so, my whole being is telling me, now, nowwwww…ww…www … !!!! Orrr…never…!
“I enjoyed it very much sir, but only from you. Could you do it again, please, oh please? I think I love you. But if you have to rest I will wait for you. Oh yes, you are tired I see. PLEASE don’t tell me to go!” I pleaded to the young soldier.
He looked strange at me, as if I was crazy. He looked dumbfounded, as I had looked a while ago.
“Sure,” he said with his eyebrows up, a glittering smile, as if he was the king of the Tor.
Then as he lay down by my side I put my hands through his hair, I seen my mother does that to dad, and he always falls to sleep.
There he goes, just like dad. He is sleeping, as if he did a day’s work.
The Lion
I got up walked about the huge barn, picked up my torn dress, and put it backs on. I looked dirty, like a beggar with this dress, and filth all over me. The light was now shinning heat into the barn. It was closer to lunchtime I knew. He would be hungry in a short while; dad and grandpa always get hungry about this time. The heat would wake him, his body was hot, and it would cool, and the warmth of the sun would wake him. I grabbed his sword, it is very heavy, and I had to grip it with two hands. I finally got it in the air after turning my body in a circle a few times with the sword swinging out. I had to keep a good grip on it so it would not fly out of my hands, it would wake him, and he’d kill me for certain.
Around and around I went, like I was jump-roping [Angelina’s Thoughts: --Now is the time to be strong Angelina, kill the first and then the one with courage and you shall have your future. --Who is that talking to me? --I am the secret.] I am swinging it in a circle, I am a little clumsy; but I have it still in the air. As I look at him sleeping, he does not look so much like a giant, as he did before, he rather looks helpless, like I did. I have it over my head now. I’m getting a little dizzy.
His nostrils are bre…bre…breathing in air, and when it comes out///…out///… half is out of his nose and the other half out of his mouth. I have never noticed that with dad or grandpa before, I’ll have to check that out sometime.
The sword is getting heavy, “Let it go, let it go, go, goooooo, ggggoooo…Noww
I let the sword fall I am guiding it to his neck, “yes, yes,” ddo
Now, now it’s dropping.
“SLASH….ssssssssssssssssssss,” right through his neck.
His eyes opened ٣ opened٣
His arms moved his body quiv… quivered like a chicken dying, a sna…k…e q with no head, jumping, only the tail moving and the sword lay between his lower dorsal and his upper part of the body; his neck is like a bare ham.
I think he is looking at me, but his head is off, how can that …that be? He looks like he is in disbelief, he is looking now at his legs, and his eyes are crossing over to the sword.
“Sir, I have just cut your head off, you should not have raped me. I am truthfully sorry for this, as I’m sure you maybe are now for having done what you felt you had to do to me, and so I forgive you. You are surely one of the noblest knights in the entire world, and I shall not forget that. If I did not know you I would have guessed you to be Sir Galahad, for he was the servant of the Lord. And I think you could have been him. But…”
He is closing his eyes, and yet his head remains off. But I know he heard me, for I seen a tear appear. “I think you were hoping Merlin was here. He would wave his hand over you and you would be smiling again. But King Arthur would still not allow what you did; indeed, I have saved you from a shameful knife in your heart, and from the shame you would have brought the Roundtable, for that is what may have happened had you done that with his knowledge.”
I looked at him for a minute, after thinking all these things, and said to myself, out loud, for no one was around anyway but him and me:
“Now see, you steal from me, and I steal from you. I cannot give you back life, nor can you give me back my virginity an eye for an eye. But I will pray for your soul, if you pray for my return of my virginity. Maybe it is possible. Many things are possible, people think are not. For I have never thought I could have killed you, and see, here I did. It was really simply once you put your mind to it.”
Having said that, I took his sword and dug a hole in the dirt right where he lay, about three feet deep, and I rolled him into it just like mom puts in the ham during winter, that is, she puts it under the ground to preserve it. I shall do the same.
Then I buried his head separately. He had several pieces of silver, and so I took them for my torn dress, and I took his horse which was by the stonewall tied to a tree. I took off the saddle, and just kept the horse; he was big, and I liked him. Then I went and bought a new dress.
Then spent the evening at my grandfather’s house giving him the horse as a gift; --I told him it was from the young soldier from war, who asked me to keep it as a gift, for the war was over and it just brought back old memories. Grandpa liked the horse so very much he named him Big Angelina; for it was a huge horse, and he was so very friendly.
As we sat around that evening, I asked grandpa about the war in the Holy Lands. He knows everything about every thing; I asked how women were treated in such places as the Holy Land.
He explained that there was some holy man named Muhammad, who married an older woman when he was young. I guess this was hundreds of years ago. And he formed a religion called Islam. Well, this woman was a fine lady, and had a business, shipping camels to different cities. And that she and Mohammed believed in the right to marry whomever you wanted. And her husband respected that she. They were married for about 25-year. But after his death, the Muslim world did not follow his life style and married many wives, for Mohammed during his marriage with her, he never married anyone else; after she died of course, it is a different story.
And then after his death, women became more of an item than a sidekick or partner to the Muslims even though he did not advocate that kind of behavior for his followers.
I liked the story when Mohammed was married to this first woman, called Khadija, but not after her, I think he changed. She was noble as he was as I would be. But it helped me understand a few things a little, I think. Anyway, the men took only what they wanted, and threw the rest away, how convenient. Just like this young man and his two friends did when they could have went to the Inn and got with silver all they wanted to.
Unknown Dreams of Angelina
Chapter Five
Gog and Magog
The next day, as my grandfather and I sat at the breakfast table, I thought of what King Arthur would do if his subjects betrayed him. He was a fair king, and my grandfather’s table looked liked the famous Round Table, he and his knights would sit at, and figure things out. And today I was 14-year old. And although the table was not as big as King Arthur’s, it would do. I was born the year the disastrous fire of 1184 destroyed the Abbey buildings in the center of Town, where King Arthur was buried. At which time there were treasures being stored at the Abbey such as gold and silver vessels, and manuscripts were among the losses the priests wept about; everybody stealing from everyone else back then I guess.
But I had my own disaster to contend with; the people of Glastonbury would not believe me. If I told my grandpa it would kill him. But I had silver in my pocket, nine pieces of silver, and I had a plan. King Richard would be proud of me.
“Are you going to eat your bread,” asked my grandfather, smiling at me.
“Oh grandpa-pa, sure, I’m dreaming of my hero who will come some day and take me by the hand and… I mean find me and take me to…” I hesitated, “I don’t wish to ever leave Avalon, or Glastonbury. I guess they are both the same. I loved the Abbey, for it was built about 500 years before I was born, but I didn’t care for the Abbey Barn anymore. I liked King Arthur’s gravesite.
“I must go grandpa-pa, but I want to stay another night here if I can. If mom comes down please tell her I want to stay. I will go home tomorrow.”
I then left the little house and ventured down to see Henry, a hunter and seller of furs. When I got to the end of the village, he was skinning a fox.
“Henry,” I called.
“Yes, little Angelina. What can I do for you?” he said, putting down his carving tools.
“I want to buy a furious Wolf.”
“What?” he said in surprise.
“A wolf, I have nine pieces of silver.”
He looked at me strange, and then caught sight of my silver.
“I want to buy the wolf, and free him at the same time, but first I want a cage for him, so I can teach him to be gentle.”
Henry looked at me with strange eyes, “Five will do,” he said, trying not to cheat me. I quickly ran home, took my grandpa’s horse and ran back with the horse to Henry’s house and got my wolf, which was all of four feet tall from the ground to his shoulders; and his shoulders were two feet wide; he looked like a mean little horse, no, no, he looked worse, --as mean looking as the devil himself, -- just what I wanted.
“Now feed him as soon as you get him home, Angelina.” Henry said with a serious voice; adding, “I put a rope around his mouth so he can not harm you, but wolfs are very dangerous.”
I assured him I would be careful. And he put the wolf on the back of my horse and cart; tying one front leg up with a piece of rope so he could not jump on me or run away.
Chapter Six
The Inn
That afternoon I went down to the Inn where the huge one was resting in his room and the tall thin one was downstairs drinking. When I walked through the Inn doors, the soldiers looked at me strangely. It was early morning and the Inn, I think, had not been opened more than an hour or two, for there were only about seven guests; I think they were thinking I was going to say something, but I simply smiled.
They were boasting about their exploits of the war; how the Islamic-mercenaries, called the assassins, some kind of Islamic sect, murdered their victims, while high on opium. I had heard about them from other people. They followed some leader called “The Old Man of the Mountain” [Sinan]. I guess they would do anything, kill themselves [suicide] so they could kill their enemies to please this person. They would fling themselves into their targets, that being other soldiers, the enemy. They were boasting how they killed several of them. They called them terrorists; that they came from Persia, Iraq, Egypt.
I noticed the tall thin knight that raped me standing by the wine barrow talking to some ugly woman, I noticed from the corner of his eye, he was watching me; maybe even a little embarrassed to be with such a hog. I think he was wondering what I was about to say.
He was thinking how to shame me if I say something about what he did to me, that was running wild in my mind, but I was not here for him, not yet. His time would come. But let him think what he will, I am telling myself, all the better, but he must think good things at the end of his thinking. So I must plant seeds, and harvest them later; yes, I will see him later.
“Where is your huge friend,” I inquired, still smiling and trying to be as cheerful as one could be. It almost felt good to pretend, knowing in my mind this was not the end, only the beginning. It’s a funny thing to know what you are going to do, and the other person does not. How he is going to die, is what I wanted to tell him, but I couldn’t, “All in good time,” my mother always says to me, and she is a very wise woman, and so I shall follow that wisdom.
“He’s in his room,” replied the thin man.
“I have a message for him from your young friend.”
“Just go upstairs and knock on the third door, he’ll let you in, and who knows what else.” He started laughing as he did in the barn. I simply put my eyes down as if to let him know I was his servant if need be.
The Innkeeper looked at the tall knight strangely and myself. He couldn’t put two-and-two together, but he knew something was up, as they say, fishy. I tried to look pleasant. I think the bar keep was worried for me for his eyes followed me as I went up the wooden stairs; I could hear each step I took, the wood makes noise you know, I have never quite noticed that before; but when you have a plan, everything around you, you notice. I was now holding on to the railing to guide me the rest of the way.
When I reached the top, about 20 stairs high, I quickly went to his room not looking down at the Inn keeper or the customers anymore, I didn’t want them to tell me to come back down, I wanted to see this huge one first, face him, and let him know, what I wanted, but not my secret.
I knocked on the door, then like out of the fog a voice told me to come in: --a rough-harsh voice, one that was quieter than the one I heard in the barn. As I entered he was lying in bed, it was his voice though, and grandpa never sounds the same when he is lying down, as he does when he is standing. The huge one’s voice came out again, more pronounced, now as he looked at me his voice turned into the one that almost broke my spine; the one that stole my life first, then gave me to the other two as if I was but a bag of sugar, a gift of his to give as he will to whom he will. I wanted to cry run out of that room, but I told my brain, “Stay, stay, staaa…,” and so I did. And put on that smile again.
“Oh, it is you little girlie, WHAT DO YOU WANT!! Didn’t you get enough yesterday?”
He did not need to say that I thought it was not called for. I am a little girl yet, why does he toy with me like that, and want to use me as a woman. Why did he not say, ‘what do you want little woman,” for is not that what he expected of me. Oh well, you got to talk to him now.
“Sir, your young friend has been making love to me all night, and has since met another girl and will be back in a few days. He told me to tell you.”
The huge soldier was examining my body again, as if he would like to jump from that bed and grab me, and do those things again,--rape me all over again. No, not me, I will not give him the second chance; he would try I’m sure if I got too close to him.
“Ok, so you told me little girlie, now what?”
“I like you better than the other two, can we meet at the big yew tree by the Tor tonight. I will bring some wine, and you can make love to me again, but only you; I want to learn how to do it better so when I grow up I will please my husband. I will be old enough to marry in a year or so.”
“Marry, marry who, not me you little…” He stopped I think he was thinking he would not get what he wanted that way.
“I guess that is a good reason, you like it and want to learn more. Wine you say?”
“Yesterday was very hard on me. But if it is just you, I can endure it. I really liked it from you.”
He smiled, as if he was a king, a big fat head with whiskers, and sunken eyes like a voucher. He was in his glory, rolling off his bed like a fat pig, and then he asked, “What time?”
He was now staring at me, as if he was already making love to me; how I dare say love, I mean sticking that snake into me. I think he wants me now, but I think he is too vulnerable, and the door is slightly open, too many people will know, so if he tries to grab me now the bar keep will hear. Just what I want, by the time he gets to me this evening; he will be running wild, and blind with “want”, that is to want to rape me again. Then I will do my plan, and as my grandfather told me –as all good soldiers would do, --that is, charge the castle wall right where it is most vulnerable, so shall I—in my own way of course.
I was happy I had left the door open for a quick escape, thinking he will not dare try and rape me here. He is not brave enough, he is a coward, and cowards hide and do these things such as raping and abusing people that are weaker than them, and they do not do those things unless they have the advantage, and do not like exposing their morbid behavior while others are watching. They want others to think they are big and brave. Maybe he ran from the enemy.
King Richard would not do such a thing, nor would his knights. He should be punished. If only King Richard was here he would listen to me, but he is not. And I have proven to myself I have his heart, the lion heart. That is why they call him that I think. He loves to fight, but only to save people and free them.
“When the moon first comes out, which would make it about 7:00 PM; I will be waiting by the big trees for you.”
“Sure, that sounds just right, make sure you bring the wine my little winch.”
He started mumbling something, I didn’t want to listen and so I left with the promise he would be there, that was good enough.
I quickly ran down the stairs and back into the center of the Inn, asked the bar keep selling me a bottle of wine for my grandpa. He looked a little surprised, for grandpa usually got his own wine, but I had gotten it for him before, I think twice, and so it wasn’t completely out of place for me to ask.
“How’s doing your grandpa little Angelina?” Said the barkeeper.
I didn’t answer him right away; --I was looking at the tall thin man, who asked me:
“You find what you were looking for little whatever?” He said.
“Yes sir, I did. I gave him a message from your young friend.”
For a moment he was looking strange at me, but that seemed to calm him down. And his friend would tell him he was going to meet me, and the news about his young friend.
The Inn keeper hesitated, but pulled a bottle of flowery-lightly sweetens white wine from under his table; it was a big bottle, and I had to carry it with both hands.
“This is the kind your grandpa likes; tell him I said hi, he hasn’t been around for a long time.”
I nodded my head I really did not want to get into a conversation with him, not now.
It cost one piece of silver, and then I ran to the horse and cart, and put the wine in the back of the cart wrapping it with some cloth I had, so it wouldn’t break. Now I needed to see the herb maker.
The Herb Maker
The herb maker was not far from the Inn, and was a jolly old soul, he was short, and as round as he was tall, with a long beard and mustache, he liked to tell stories of King Arthur, and about the old priests who would journey through the tunnels of the Tor, and came out crazy. He said he was standing by one of the old entrances of the tunnels in the Tor over 50 years ago and waited for one of the priests to come out, but he never did. I don’t know how old he was but he was older than grandpa, and I think that is old. When he wasn’t making or selling herbs, he was telling stories. Grandpa liked him a lot, and so did I.
As I got to his house, at the other end of town, I went to the back and looked in his basement window, for that was his work place, everyone did that. If he weren’t there, then I’d knock on his door, for he was usually sleeping. Or a maid was cleaning his house. He never married, but I think he liked his maids.
He was in his seller and waved me to come on. I pick up the wooden door to the seller, which was outside the house, and walked down the steps into his basement. He had an entrance in the house also, but this was the one everyone used when doing business with him.
I told him I needed strong sleeping medicine that my grandpa was not sleeping well lately and it would help him. I wanted a lot of it I told him. I gave him one silver coin, and boy did he give me a bundle. I really didn’t know how much money was worth. I have never bought anything before, or handled money. I only picked up things before for mom and dad or grandpa they would pay the merchants later. That maybe why the tall thin man, and the bar keep looked at me a little strange, I had silver. I never thought of it. Often times mom and dad would barter with the neighbor, and trade a hog for two weeks labor, something like that; they have never really had much silver, and I doubt ever seen any gold coins. And here I got silver unbelievable. I had two pieces of silver left now.
I bid my farewell, and left in a hurry. I didn’t want to have to answer any questions. He was looking at me also, a little strange when I pulled out my silver.
I then went back to my grandpa’s house for early dinner, after I had arranged everything at the Magog tree, that is. I loved that tree, it was full of spirits; the kind that either love you or hate you. And these spirits knew me well, and loved me. I talked to the tree spirits and told them my plans that I needed to use their ground for my crusade, like King Richard I, I needed to plan my war, my three battles, of which the first was already completed, and to be quite honest, there was not a whole lot of planning in that one; but none-the-less, it was quick planning.
And like always they were more than obliging. They told me I had a lion’s heart, like King Richard, I was very proud to hear that. They also told me someday I would meet King Richard, and that King Arthur’s Guenevere was like me, beautiful, with golden hair, and stunning eyes, and although I was not a princess like her, I would someday in the summer country find my knight, so not to worry. My Camelot was here; I need not search any farther.
These spirits know many things. Sometimes I feel sorry for them I think they are left behind for some reason trying to find their path, their soul. I pray Jesus will guide them. Mom says spirits are different than ghosts, but I really do not know the difference, I just know some are evil and others are good ones. And these spirits have shown me goodwill.
That evening grandpa and I sat by the fireplace as always, and I filled up his cup with the wine I bought. I told him it was for dad. I know I lied, because dad hardly drinks at all, and he doesn’t like grandpa drinking, so I knew he wouldn’t say a word.
“Tell me grandpa about the war, you know the Crusades?” I asked.
I guess I was feeling I should know more about this, for these men used it to hurt me, and then justify their ways, or so I believed.
“Well, it is as all wars, much killing. This was a war of the world you know. France, the Franks [Germany], England, and many countries from such areas of the world like Anatolia, the Balkans, Macedonia, Baghdad, Syria, Sicily; oh, grand-daughter there was so much fighting, and blood shed. The whole world went crazy. And the Holy Sea, the Pope he ordained it God’s Will. But you know, I don’t think God said a word to the Pope on this issue.”
“Oh, grandpa, you must not say that outside of your home, for if anyone heard you say that, you would be killed, or tortured.”
“I know, but it is true. But I will go on with the Great War, and let us pray we do not have a 4th Crusade. The Germans lost their leader, and for the most part, their spirit to fight, and so it was up to the English and French. This was, back around 1188 AD, you were about three years old. Incidentally, Angelina, I have a birthday present for you.”
“Later grandpa, later, I want to hear the story of the war.”
“All right, well, as I was saying, King Richard had his coronation I think in 1188, I think I was saying that, at Westminster, and he wanted to get to the Holy Land and get on with the war. He liked war I think. He always did. Well, Saladin, the other leader, whom was against King Richard and France, wanted to keep Jerusalem for himself. You know the war was over this holy city called Jerusalem, which is called “The City of God,” and everyone is fighting over it. What a shame! But to make a long story short, everyone was having problems, Cyprus, the Turks, the Normans the Germans waiting for the English. But the end result was, as you know peace. And surely it is not the peace everyone wanted, but safe passage to the holy sites was given any man or woman who wishes to make a pilgrimage to them by Saladin; but then, what is safe passage when the Arab’s do not want you visit; do you say, “Saladin the Arab King says it is ok,” but still Saladin is not there at that moment, so what do you do, die? You know what I mean. It really doesn’t matter, dead is dead.
During this time anyway though, there was a knight who tried to make peace with Saladin; called the Green Knight. Some get him mixed up with King Arthur’s knights of the famous roundtable, for there are many tales of him in that time period, but this one was different. He came out of Spain. Saladin admired him, but peace did not materialize, because of their talks. And that is all I know my little nosey granddaughter.”
“Oh, thank you so much grandpa-pa…”
“You should be going to bed, get some sleep.”
“I want my gift, please?”
“Here you are.”
“Oh, grandpa, I love it, it’s a diary.”
“Now please take it, and go to sleep.”
“I love you grandpa.”
Chapter Seven
The Wolf
As the moon came up I was at the huge Magog tree. I had arranged everything. I even put a blanket down for my guest, or should I say prey. And this would be my second conquest. Just like the crusades one, two, three. This was number two, the beast who robbed me. But he hurt me the worse of all three [Angelina’s Thoughts: --You are almost there, he will be easy for he is clumsy, and not too smart. His heart is in his penis, and his eyes want you. Stay calm, and then it is time to kill him. --Who are you? Do I know you? --I am the secret]. He didn’t have to hurt me. What was the sense in that? If you rape a person why hurt them, for what? He was 350 lbs, as tall as two of me. He did not have to drop me, or push all his hairy and sweaty weight on me. He could have just raped me and left it at that. But he had to watch my head bob up and down like a ball. My head was not made of pillow feathers. It still hurts [a tear], there was no light in my eyes, and my nose felt like blood; I should stop thinking about this. I want to sing:
♫“London rain, ♪ coming down…nnn
It’s ♫♪ ..... All around ddd
But I don’t… really care er er
Let the rain ♪…
Rain every where♪
We talked……. ♫ we walked
Old London streets
Narrow and ♪ crowed ♪ off
The beat
In my heart ♪ he’ll remain
Memories ♫ of Golden Rain
A smile, ♪ a glimpse a
Wink or two
A Kiss so o ♫♪ knew wwwwwww
But it still rains all around
Every time … I think
Of Old London town
Let the rain…
Rain everywhere♫
Rain everywhere
Rain everywhere….. ♪ where♫♪♫☺
I feel much better now; oh, so much better. I like to sing and hum when I am not feeling well.
But I was already hurt. Here he comes. He’s tying his horse to the wooden fence, I see him. These two trees, Gog and Magog are fenced in. But I like Magog more it is bigger, wider. Just like them, big and wide. He should like this spirit tree. He is now climbing the fence, he jumped to the ground, he landed like a horse when he stomps and I could feel his weight shake my space. It was like he was crushing my bones again.
“Ok, girlie, we will do it again,” he sees my shadow.
“Here you are girlie I knew it was you, so skinny but you’ll do.”
“Here is some wine sir; I bought it just for you. Please drink it, I have had some already because I know you are so big, and I will need it to withstand you strength.”
He grinned from ear to ear when he heard that, and drank the wine as if it was water. The bottle was big, and I only put a little of the sleeping potion in it. I did not want him to use it all up; I need some for number three.
After drinking ¼ of the bottle he started to take off his cloths.
“How about you, girlie,” he said, meaning he wanted me to take off my dress so he could watch me I think.
“Yaw, the damn dress takes it OFFFFFFF!”
“Yes, yes, I am, please be patient.”
I had on the dress he ripped yesterday. I put the other one on the other side of the fence in my cart, where I tied the horse up. I didn’t want that one to get ripped. I took off my dress slowly, for I knew his weakness now; I let it slide over my shoulders lightly, he was watching every move of mine.
“Hurry up will you, you… damsel,” he said with impatience.
“Sir, I am here because I want to be, please forgive me but I have to go to the bathroom, now.” I noticed his sword was not on him, he left it tied to his horse.
“Damn! Ok, ok, go and do your thing, but hurry back, I do not like to be kept waiting, I don’t have…had all night.”
I went to where I tied my horse up, and I jumped over the fence. I put on my other dress, my pretty new dress I bought with the young knight’s money, his silver that shined when I rubbed it against my dress, --there was a pretty glow to it. I now walked over to the fence to see how he was doing. He was waiting there naked as a bird.
I had put the cage of the wolf next to the fence, and when I opened it, the wolf had to go underneath the fence of where I had dug a hole for him to enter, thus allowing him to be in the fenced area. When I let him out of the cage, at the same time I pulled the rope around his mouth off, and took the cage and put it back on the car, and quickly filled in the hole with more dirt so he couldn’t come back out, although I’m sure he could either jump the fence or dig his way under it; but he was terribly hungry, and his dinner was waiting. And he now was madder than a hornet, and happy for being freed by me.
I had not fed him since I bought him. I just jumped on the cart, holding the reins tight so the horse would not get spooked. And I could see by the light of the moon the wolf smelling the wine and the flesh and sweat of the huge one. He was creeping up to him like a spider.
“Hay girlie where are you; is that you.” Was the voice of the huge one?
The wolf must have heard that, and the spirits of the trees much have triggered his temper even more, for the wolf jumped in the air [I can see him flying] I could see him by way of the moon-light, it lit his body as he jumped and as he landed, he was on top of the huge one cornering him, and pinning him against the tree.
I thought of the shivering stare he must have made at the huge one when he jumped on him, looking him straight in the eyes, for he mesmerized me with fear a few times when I looked back at him on the cart. And this knight was totally unprepared for the spectacle before him.
The sight, making me feels how the victim must feel; transfixed my eyes isolated from his friends, the village. He remained virtually, unprotected. For the beast this was a prime hunting edge, large, as the beast was himself.
Apart from my personal satisfaction, for the moment, my fear of these knights faded somewhat; the threat was going. With this in mind, I knew I could go forward in my plan. These were men but not of honor. If so, they would not be in this situation.
I was using their kind of tact on them; surprise, isolation, a quick plan, checking to see if I had the edge, finding a vulnerable spot, and attacking. Is that not warfare. You do not attack an army that is twice your size unless you have no choice. And these three men thought they could attack without consequence, and attacking someone who was helpless, but they forgot one thing, my grandpa told me about war, he said, “You do not leave anyone behind you after the battle; you kill the enemy, the soldiers, so they can not come back and kill you.” And I have not forgotten that. They did. They did not see me as an opposing threat, enemy, only an enjoyment a quick conquest. But they are not thinking like that now.
The young man with his head cut off did not think of the battles he would go fight tomorrow; or the women he would rape. He was thinking he was dying, it was the end of it all for him, everything.
Oh, I forget for a moment, the huge one I hear him….
He is screaming and screaming. Crying, running to get his sword I think, but he couldn’t make it over the fence fast enough. The fence was about forty-feet from the tree about 5 ½ feet high.
Now all I hear whimpers and his exhaustion. Now I hear no more. He must be dead, I hear the wolf chewing, the cracking of a bone. I knew the wolf had some powerful jaws, but his teeth, bit he broke a tooth.
I road my horse and cart around to the other side where his horse was, the wolf was eating him up like a dog chewing on a rabbit. He was lying by the fence, hissing, eyes seemed to be looking at me, a tear was coming from him.
“Sir, I am sorry, but I can not wipe your tear [he blinked his eyes], for you see the wolf would eat me, like he is you [his mouth opened as if to say something, as if he was begging me to stop him from eating him alive].”
He couldn’t talk or make any more sounds the wolf had chewed his nose and throat off, and open. I thought people died easy, but it’s not true. Sometimes they die slow. The wolf looked at me then went and started eating again, paying me little attention; I think he was making sure his meal was secure. I tied his horse to my cart quickly, without getting of the cart, and found seven-pieces of silver tied to the saddle of the horse, as if he wanted to make sure no one could see it, yet it was close enough for him to grab. I now had 9 pieces of silver again. I went down to my grandpa’s house, and told him I was given another horse by a huge soldier, like the young man gave me, and that it was his friend; for the same reason. I told grandpa, there were three soldiers from war visiting, or riding through, and they were staying at the Inn down the street. And I had met all three. They were very kind. Grandpa tucked me in bed, gave me a kiss, and told me happy birthday.
Chapter Eight
Chalice Well
I knew the third man, the tall one, would be looking for his friends pretty soon, although it seemed to me he really liked his ale more than his friends; for as I walked by the Inn, he was always sitting there or standing drinking like a fish. I have never quite understood this all drinking people do, it seems quite a waste of resources, and energy. For the men never get up to feed the animals, or plant, or for that matter, do much of anything. Grandpa said he used to drink a glass of wine just before bed, and it helped him sleep, but his brother was a drunk, and that scared him because he was always in poverty.
I stayed at grandpa’s house again, and decided to remain there for the week. Grandpa got two horses now, and mom was ok with it. There were chores around the house but I had three brothers and two sisters who could help. And grandpa was alone a lot, so mom felt grandpa could use the company, and he and I were very close; closer than mom was to her dad I think. His father had fallen off a roof a number of years ago, died from a broken spine, not sure why I’m putting this in my diary, but I don’t quite miss him, because I only seen him I guess when I was a baby, but I didn’t want grandpa to fall off a roof, and neither did mom, so she let me stay with grandpa almost as much as I wanted, you know kind of watch him. I got to go now.
It’s the next day, I got to find and set it up for the thin guy. I got nine-pieces of silver; I will buy some more wine, and use the sleeping potion, the whole thing on him I think. I got a plan. But first I want to go to the market and buy some... of that expensive drug for grandpa called coffee. It comes from a country called Ethiopia. They’ve been using it for 200 years I guess. It helps him stay awake at night. Grandpa told me that the Angel Gabriel revealed the secrets of roasting and brewing this compound. I’ve tasted it. It isn’t half bad. But grandpa can’t afford it, so I will buy some with my silver.
Later in the Day
And so I did get some coffee and gave it to grandpa, and I stopped by the Inn where the tall man was. He was too drunk to even think anything was going on. He is going to meet me tonight at Chalice Well. He saw me buy a bottle of wine, like I did for his friend, and no one has heard of what happened to the huge one yet. That is, what is left of him for he had no cloths on, and all that must be left is bone? I took his cloths with his horse and buried the cloths this morning. I do not think anyone will discover him missing for a few days, so there is nothing suspicious as of yet. I told the tall guy his friend gave me silver to buy wine and to lay with him in bed. And I added, I was going back to meet him in an hour. But he was going to meet me by the well at sunset. The well is said to be the entrance to the underworld; he may find out. I don’t know if there is any truth to it, but I know that it connects to the underground water system of the Tor, and a few other springs nearby.
Evening at Chalice Well
I had got to Chalice Well, before the tall soldier arrived, and set everything in place. I loved this location, as I did the Abbey in the village, and Magog, and the Tor. This was the ideal place. It is nestled in a valley between Chalice Hill and the Tor, and there are gardens all about. I put a blanket on the soft grass, and the bottle of wine by the side of the well. The top of the well was made out of wood and steel, and the top of it shut, and could be locked when not in use, so no kids would fall into it. The well is on top of the garden. I liked this spot, I could see all about. Sometimes the village folk put on plays here, and had festivals here. The source of the water is unknown, but grandpa always said it came from the Mendip Hills some miles to the north of our Glastonbury. Before my time, the Celts and Druids were in this area. The spirits of the trees whisper to me that they settled in that area, perhaps because they are Druid spirits, or Celtic spirits themselves.
I loved drinking the pure water from Chalice Well, it was always cool, and it has never failed to be so, not in all my fourteen years in this area; yes, I am fourteen years old now. Not a kid anymore.
I hear a horse [Angelina’s Thoughts: --He is a drunk, he loves his booze, and he will come for that first. You have done well Angelina, you are now using the dark, surprise and ambush to your advantage, and tomorrow you will be free. --I don’t know really who you are, but I think you scare me more than the knights. Will you be gone tomorrow also? –Yes], it is the tall man. He can see me from the lower part of the garden. I am waving at him now. Here he comes.
“Hello you…little… you little slut,” he grabbed me by the hair, the wine is right next to me, and he threw me to the ground, not even on my pretty blanket.
“Ok, you want it, you’re going to get it,” he’s been drinking all day I think.
“Please sir, I bought this wine just for you.”
He grabbed the wine, and started drinking it with one hand as he ripped his cloths off with the other. He had a huge erection.
“Take it off, now winch, or I’ll put the sword to you.”
I quickly took my dress off, I was just hoping, and hoping, he would drink more of the wine. But he put it down. He only had three drinks. He’s on top of me again I hate this. My head is hitting the ground like a horse’s head stomping. He will not stop. I can’t breath.
“I need a drink sir. Let me play with you…”
He stopped, and took another drink.
“Ok, play with it…”
I had to touch it, but the more I played with it, the more he drank. He started to get soft, his head started to sway. I did put four times as much sleeping potion in it than I did for the huge guy. He fell to his side, the bottle still tight in his hand. Gee! I thought, of all things, he hangs on to the bottle, and not on to his pants.
I tried to catch my breath, I was gasping for air.
“Wake up, wake up sir. Drink more wine,” I said, --then I started to slap his face lightly to see if he would wake up, but he was fast asleep.
I got up on my feet, wiped myself dry from his sweat, and other liquids that came from his body, mouth and nose --and that item between his legs. I never thought such things could go so deep inside a woman. But then I am only fourteen, I was not suppose to find this out until I got married, which he robbed me of, or tried to---.
I got my small portion of the rope I bought, and cut, and tied his hands over his head; then tied his two legs together. He was naked, and what I wanted to do was cut that item off, but I couldn’t. I opened up the iron and wood cover to the well, and centered him. Then I went to the other side of the well where his feet were -- my longer piece of rope extended across the well at this point, inasmuch as, I now would be able to pull him to the well and he’d fall down head first, --but first things first.
I walked around to the other side again, picked up his sword, and I knew now I had to do this fast, for once the sword hit, he would wake up, and I had to run around to the other side of the circular cover of the well and pull the rope. I hoped I had strength enough. Now I got the sword over my head. I am looking at his hands tied. I am focused, I can’t miss, oh please, I just can’t miss. The sword is coming down just like when I had it in the air with the young man, and it went right through his wrists his hands fell off, his eyes opened up, as did his mouth, I jumped over to the rope, falling on my knees, and started pulling. He is looking at me pulling him. His head is two feet from the well, his shoulders are touching the open space of the well, and I do not think he knows exactly what is going on, except his life is in danger.
“What you doing, What, WWWWWat
Dodododo oooo ing… He is crying.
I jerk the rope with all my strength, he is starting to kick, but his butt is in the open space of the well; now he knows I think, --that is, what is happening to him. I jerk the rope again; his head is pulled over to the edge of the well. One more inch, just one more, he is trying to push himself backwards to safety; he knows he is going to sink and if so down into the well. His arms are free of the ropes now, but they can’t hold on to the sides of the well he is discovering he has no hands. His head just dropped into the open space of the well, now his back is sliding down in the open black space of the well, he is falling, his whole body, and the rope is burning my hands, I must let go…I do.
Silence……………………………………...……… Splashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
As I look down the well, the rope followed him like a snake. He has no hands to untie his feet, and he cannot climb the 30-feet to the top. And I know the well is pretty deep. I cannot see him, only hear his cries.
Now I put the top of the well cover back on; I will lock it now, so the children will not fall into it. I can still hear his screams, barely, but I do hear them, he is begging me to open the well door, and at the same time cursing me. He is not sorry for what he did to me, only sorry I could get revenge on him; now his body will sink soon, and he will sober up, or wake up drunk in hell.
I hear water splashing; he is lucky he is thin, not like the huge one, for he would sink if he were that big. He will get exhausted soon. I must bury the rest of his things.
“See Mr. Knight, you are paying for your sins. But I will tell the world you were a great knight, for that is what knights are created for; they are special. Thus, I will save you from disgrace. What would you do if you lived, just get drunk and rape more girls like me. Now, that is not what a good knight should have to look forward to. GOOD NIGHT!!” I think he heard me, I tried to say it loud enough through the locked well cover. Matter of fact he did hear me, he is saying “Come back…come backkkkkk, ppppleaseeeeezzzzzzz.”
As I walked out of the garden, I found his horse, I took it and gave it to grandpa, and he also had silver in a pouch, five pieces. I now had 12-pieces of silver. I will give them to my mother, and let her know that these men gave them to me. For that is what brave hero of a war do. They help people they like to be heroes.
End of the Diary
Chapter Nine
On Top of the Tor
As I looked at the old man again, the breeze blowing my hat off somewhat, I caught it with my left hand though; I said in a confusing manner, “Is that the end?”
“Funny you say that,” he commented.
“I guess I expected her to be caught, or tried by the village, you know, kind of a coming to justice thing. Even though the rape was wrong, wasn’t, or didn’t she go to extremes?”
“Well,” said the old man looking at me, “I guess I could add an ending to it, but I think you were better off leaving it alone, because I think you will get more frustrated with the real ending, than the simply one you just got.”
“Go for it sir,” I said with curiosity.
“I guess for Angelina it was a nightmare to end all nightmares. Or so I figured it out after all these years. The three soldiers took her life from her. She had to put it back together. Now just how do you do something like that? She of course wrote it out in her diary, somewhat, if you read between the lines that is. But she hid it. When the town’s folks questioned her, she really could not remember anything. She looked high and low for her diary. She wanted to show everyone she had nothing to do with it, or for that matter, to see what she might have wrote. But she hid the diary, as her subconscious wanted, so she could not find it; and for someone like me, 900-years later to find it. She wanted her life back. Call it deep posttraumatic stress with no recoil, or what you want, she never did remember it. They questioned her several times, until her grandpa put a stop to it, saying the girl was too frail to have done any kind of murders.
You see, when she walked back to her grandfather’s house she simply went to sleep like always; or simply like little soft angel she was. Throughout the years that followed people expected she had something to do with the disappearance of all three of the soldiers, just like they did from the beginning, but no one ever put two and two together.
About six months after that event—more or less—more evidence came up on what happened to the soldiers, they found the young man buried in the barn, I think the horses kicked up so much dirt his body started to show, and along with scavengers and so on, --you got other animals you know, like squirrels, dogs, cats and so on, but the monks found him anyway.
Let me add, one day the barn keeper seen his head sticking out, and that was cause for alarm also, so when you find something like that you look around a little more careful. But no, it wasn’t here or there; everyone loved little Angelina, and left it alone. Even if she was guilty, the town’s people didn’t really want to know. It would force them to do something they really did not want to do.
And the tall man with his hands cut off was found sometime after that first discovery, down in some swamp area nearby. The many wells we have around here go into many areas, and there are connecting springs to them also. Plus it goes under the Tor I think and God knows where else, but he was found anyway a few miles from the Tor, and I do not want to describe him.
As for the huge soldier, the wolf did leave the bones to be found, and again the scavengers did their best to pick his bones clean.
That was what made Angelina a suspect at first. But no one really thought she could have devised such a plan, it was too ruthless; plus, no one could put it quite together, not like it was in the diary. Maybe if they had the diary at the time, it would have made more sense. But trying to put the pieces together was just too perplexed for everyone. She wasn’t even 100-lbs of weight, and this man was 350 or more. It was hard to even question her I heard, but they had to; you know to make the records official. But even if they had given her a lie-detector test—and of course back then they didn’t have such things—she would have passed it anyway, for she truly believed she was innocent.
Plus she proclaimed they gave her gifts, she was astonished of what had happened to them. That too was a little fishy thought the officials at first. But again, she could not remember anything past the hero complex she had. It was written in stone in her mind. They were heroes [or supposed to have been heroes] to her from the Crusades, and stopped by to pay respects to King Arthur, her most renowned hero. They found her, gave her silver every time she showed up, and wanted to retire in Glastonbury, and so they gave her the horses, saying they were reminders of the war. You know kind of giving away the post-traumatic stress everyone talks about after a war, nowadays. I hear about that medical term all the time know, in the old days it was simply bad memory.
No one could prove her otherwise. Plus she couldn’t remember even if you would have tortured her to death, and I guess one day the priest kept her in the Abbey barn so she might remember, and she simply sat there and prayed that their souls would go to heaven. She was a Christian you know, and the priest said she prayed for hours on end for their souls. And she added prayers for the victories of King Richard, and for giving England King Arthur, her biggest hero.
Matter of fact, it was written down in some of the priest’s logs, that she spoke very highly of the priests for trying to find the culprits who victimized the poor heroes of the crusades; for she was very thankful for the gifts they had given to her and her grandpa, especially the horses, and of course the silver was included.”
“You’re right sir, it is a little unnerving, I guess, -- I was thinking more on the lines she was burned to the stake.”
“No stake my friend, just love came out of her mouth; matter of fact, she did get married. It was when she turned 15-years old that King Richard I came through the village to pay respects to King Arthur and one of his knights, he was known as the Green Knight, who was quite renowned for his gallantry and communication skills, was quite taken with Angelina.
The story goes he fell madly in love with her. He was a lot older than her by far, but none-the-less, a good-looking knight I hear. Quite dashing they say. Matter of fact, King Richard blessed the marriage before he left for another conquest, leaving the knight to settle with his bride in Glastonbury. They say he was dressed in all green, as well as his horse being of that color also. He held no sword, nor carried one with him while being in Glastonbury, yet was quite feared by his comrades. They say he knew not only King Richard quite well, but also Saladin the Arab leader quite well also.
He was tall and thin and from his neck to his loins he was square set, and quite muscular, long limbed, quite strong. His horse was crisped and gemmed with many knots. His eyes were like flashing lights and, --let me add again, he had no sword, shield or helmet.
But he did have an olive branch in his hands when he got off his horse and proposed to Angelina on the spot just as she had prayed for, and was expecting. Unbelievable, as it may sound, it is the gospel truth. He dismounted with one hand, while the other held on to the olive branch, and said to Angelina, ‘I give you this branch from the Holy Land, of where I got it and it is my token of love to you. If you would be kind enough to take it, I would be honored to have you as my wife.’
He told a number of people while campaigning with battles in the Holy Land he had a vision that he would find his bride to be in Glastonbury waiting for him after the war, should he bring a olive branch with him, and no armor or sword; for he must be a brave and yet peaceful knight for his bride; and so he was. I think all of the followers of King Richard were dumbfounded when they saw this, a little doubtful but none the less, when it happened, it was believable.
Well, although everyone around her was somewhat surprised, not because Angelina said ‘Yes’ to his offer, but that it actually happened that way. Matter of fact, she said, ‘I’ve been waiting for you.’
Well, life is funny isn’t it you start to think such happenings never occur, and there right in front of you it does. They say she never acted surprised or even doubted this would not happen. As she told others, she simply did not know the date, and whom it was going to be. I suppose in a like manner, the knight could say the same thing. But she knew the place, and that it would be of that nature.
And yes, here is where they lived, right in the heart of Glastonbury, opened up a shop and worked in the construction trade of building such things as Churches and Inns, as well as bridges and so on.
Being quite tall with his strong and good looks, one might say, he could have had his pick of the women of Glastonbury, but he was faithful to Angelina.
I never thought about it until this very minute, but here is where they would come on the weekends, and at times during the week and just lay in the grass with one another. They were more than friends, lovers and spouses; they were sidekicks one could say. They would find themselves sitting like you and I on this grass looking over the valley, and the hills around here. All of Avalon would fill their eyes like it does for us this very moment; I suppose like it did for King Arthur. And one could say they lived quite happy.”
“How did she die, -- I mean, was it from natural causes?
“You’re fishing my friend I think you want to find something bad about the ending. She didn’t die quite that way, the way you expected her to die that is, but it was from bad natural causes one could say. She was giving birth to her 8th child, it was a boy, they had to cut her open to save the child, she was 35-years old; they could have let the child die and saved her they say, but she said no, she wanted to save the child, and demanded they call him Arthur, and so they did. Her husband never remarried, said he could never find a more sweet and loving wife than her. They lived in their grandfather’s house, as I do today. It is where the diary was found, under the old boards of the basement, tightly put into a metal chest. It simply read, ‘To whom it may concern.’”
Chapter Ten
The Analysis
“And what do you make of this entire story my young friend?”
“I say it is quite mysterious, but the mind is a funny thing, like a black hole in the universe.”
“A black hole, the mind, are you one of those psychologists, or do you know astronomy or something?”
“A counselor of sorts will do; Client Centered Therapist is what they call me, and so I do like to look at how the mind works I suppose. And I do like astronomy.”
“No kidding, I often wondered what made her tick.”
“It makes me think.”
“Any ideas you want to share?”
“Come on with it --say what’s on your mind, the girl?”
“All right, --but you’ve got to realize---”
“I realize,” the old man said. “Can’t we stop talking, and you give me the mind thing?”
We sat back down on the grass, it was thick and bright green, the old man glanced toward the tower, and across the valley towards Chalice Hill.
“You got to realize sir,” I said, “…my theory is just a guess, no one can prove anything in the mind, or for that matter the universe. They are both endless mysteries.”
“Doesn’t it mean anything to you to let another person know what you are thinking? We can get along even if we do not agree, and who knows, maybe I will.”
“Of course we can. I don’t want you to think such things. I …”
“It’s all right what you say, but do me a favor and stop beating around the bush… bush, bush bush.
“If something goes into the mind it fills up. But it must come out, and it usually does in moods, or put another way, behavior. Sometimes we can talk it out, if we direct it towards the person we are mad at. In this way the mind is re-nourished. And so the behavior came out for Angelina, possible as one might say, in displacing it for revenge. But in her case it goes deeper, and sideways. Let me explain, if I can.
And so we see her behavior coming out in killing the three soldiers; this way it was setting up a plan, the mind that is, the subconscious, and the protector of the human being. It knew after the killings, it would have to deal with a new mass of information coming into the black hole, and it would collapse.
And so the rape was put into the corner of her mind, a mountain full of anger and resentment, her desires, wishes, dreams were falling all apart. In general, her life was ending, and so she cramped it into a nutshell after the rape. The only place in her mind left to put this crushed world of hers, and energy was to re-create herself and that involved the three murders, get rid of the future, or alter it. It was the only practical proposition her mind would accept.
She could not harness her instincts of murder, for the life they took away from her; all generated by the rape. We do not know the megawatts in a person’s brain, but the explosions within her mind happened so quickly that there was no light left for reality. In a nutshell, it was the process of forgetting, so she could have the old future back. Does that make sense?”
The old man looked at me, “That black hole you’re talking about, the mind, how does it get out of it, that information has to stay there until it deals with it someday, doesn’t it?”
“Good question. I thought I answered it, but let me try again. If you put something into your mind, it fills up. If you take something out, it of course is less filled. And I think in this case, the rape went into her mind, the black hole as you said. And somehow it came out by a process of osmosis, or in the case of Black Holes, through its sides like emitting radiation. When it came out, at the same time the mind convinced her she had to kill the three people to restart her future again, but it was a little altered now, and so after the killing the mind would not take in the new information, or black hole would not take in new objects. And so in the case of a Black Hole, it will collapse, I think, not exist anymore.
In her mind it closed up before that information was taken in, and so all she remembered was the good part of the heroes coming back from war, and the new creation what her mind created for her. Now she can go on with her lost future, with only a few good alterations, which she needed anyway to fill in the gaps of lost time. She remembered meeting the soldiers, the money she took as a kindness of theirs, which fit into her plan of how she wanted her future to look, and the horses she gave to her grandpa were old war wounds of the soldiers, as she had thought it should have been. And matter of fact, told it to her grandpa anyway, and that is what she remembered of course, a gift from heroic soldiers; she even implied to the soldiers she was going to do this; and so the mind was working overtime. Often times we end up doing what the mind is thinking while we sleep; that is, we end up doing that the next day. And at the end of it all she married the man she wanted.”
The old man looked at me. He did not say anything, but looked at the countryside as he shifted his head around to meet the Tower on the Tor in front of us.
“What time is your train coming in tomorrow?”
“I think 10:30 AM,” I commented.
“I’d better take a walk to the Tower, over to the other side of it; she used to like that side.”
Chapter Eleven
Last Words
I told the old man thanks for his story, as he walked away, it was haunting my mind, and I got thinking sitting there, I had walked by his house a few times the day before, by a gas station where I bought some chips and coke and brought it back to the B&B so I could watched TV at night. Maybe I’ll check it out later.
I sat up, took my head out from under my palm, from which my elbow was supporting. I really didn’t want to leave the Tor, it was becoming like a sanctuary for me a place to rest, and ponder on, people watching. Not many came though, not sure why, this was the best hidden secret in England, and when they did, they left soon after; the tour busses left the people off for a few hours, that is why I had to come to Glastonbury by myself. I noticed as night came, a few young adults stayed there. But the wind was getting cold, and I was not as young as I used to be to sit around like them. Up on top here you get every wind in the whole area, you had to hide by the side of the Tower. As I walked down the mound of terraces of grass, the cows were leaving to go to Chalice Hill I think, for I noticed a few over on that hill. I think they took there time. Somehow I think time stopped here; or so it seemed. And so I said good night to the equinox that was taking place, and tried not to look back at the Tor, you know, kind of like a knight thing, like Angelina would have likely done, or her knight. But I couldn’t, I had to look back, that was just I.
As I got to the bottom terrace of the Tor, Angelina’s diary came to my mind again. This was the 21st Century not the 12th. How could I define it in my terms, 900 years later? And why did the old man spend so much time with me telling me of the story. Then I got thinking I needed to write the story down, along with some other findings. But my mind needed to rest, and so it had to have an ending, conclusion, and it was deep as that black hole I talked about with the old man, but I was happy I had an ending, I could sleep better with it.
Chapter Twelve
The Next Day
In the morning Jason came to pick me up, it was my third day in Glastonbury. I walked around to the back of the Bed & Breakfast foundation, where a fence was, which seemed to lead into a meadow, yet it was the beginning of the Tor, and I looked up to the Tor at the Abbey Tower on top of it for the last time. It was silent, like Angelina, as if it forgot all its sins, and I’m sure it had its share, for history records much blood shed in this part of the country, and I forgot all my sins as well, as if the Tor was saying, bury the past. I suppose one gets like that in old age. And I guess we all have them. It was not judgmental to me, nor I to it, how could I be, as I said, I think it had its own sinful history, like Angelina, and buried them long ago deep within its underground vaults, if not in the underworld itself; it was the only way to survive, as it is written, “Let the dead bury the dead”, OT. And that was the last time I saw the Tor. I never looked back, or heard from the old man again, although I tried to find his house. I’m sure I seen it, I think I seen it, but couldn’t find it; and Jason on our way to the train station said he never heard the story, or for that matter, the old man. But added, he thought King Richard did come through Glastonbury around that time to pay respects to King Arthur, as did King Edward I in 1278 AD with his Queen. Jason looked out the window, and said, “That’s interesting,” never looking at me, something like the old man did when he left me and walked to the Tor.
You know, someone who is very interested in you for a moment, and you think you are getting along, and he bears his soul, or so you think, and all of a sudden are drifting away as if you do not exist, as if he does not want to be questioned anymore, or for that matter, simply has no more to say. Both Jason and the old man seem to be one of a kind.
At the station we shook hands, and he left, never looking back, and the train pulled up, and I got on. And Glastonbury was like an end to a concert no more. I was alone again.
The End of the Story of Angelina
About the Author, and Review of his books:
By R. Peñaloza T.
To be quite honest the author has not wanted a review of himself or of his work; especially not in this 2nd Edition of “The Rape of Angelina…” or for that matter the one and only romance to date he has written called “A Romance in Augsburg,” feeling they should stand on their own; but I persuaded him to allow me to put one in this book this one time. He has written to date fifteen books, and is presently finishing up, three other books called: “The Old Man and his Monkey,” similar to “…Angelina…” but on a different level; also, “Shamhat,” a woman of many talents, who lived in the land of Sumer, in the city of Uruk, with Gilgamesh; and his third, being his second volume of short stories. The author hopes he can complete these in 2003. His most recent book “A Path to Sobriety,” deals with how do deal with addictions.
As you might be saying Mr. Siluk has been called a prolific writer, and lives up to that reputation, as well as a traveler, who has been around the world twenty-four times: --writing a book called, “Chasing the Sun,” to prove it.
In his soon to be published romance book, there are no real secrets, a soldier is a soldier, as is Chris simply Chris, a German-Jew; so one need not look for any sharks, or much symbolism, what people say is what they say, no more no less. The story is like a painting, what you see may well go beyond what others see, or don’t see.
In the book: “The Rape of Angelina…” which was written quite well I believe by Mr. Siluk, no matter how many times you read it, you do not quite know how it is done; and now his 2nd Illustrated Edition is even more intriguing: --the reason being, there is a mystery to it, as there is in the Romance novel, “A Romance in Augsburg,” --Mr. Siluk’s first romance novel, out of fifteen-books may very well be his award winning novel, like some of his early poetry, of which was put into a book in 1980. He has written poetry since the age of twelve years old, and was his first love. Now it is between his travels and writings. But if you asked him, that is, what is his true love, it would go I believe with God, Rosa [his wife], family, travel-&-writing being equal.
And as he has mentioned to me, concerning his romance book, “…it was not easy…” he claims, “…no one really sees you working day after day, 3:30 AM, and you can’t sleep until you fix this or that…it was always an uphill struggle with that book, not like ‘Angelina,’ which came as if it was natural, or the ‘Old Man and His Monkey.”’
I have heard said, a good writer will bring reality into his characters for the reader to experience, and it will become a part of his or her memory, making it part of their life. This was the result in the book “The Rape of Angelina…” and again in another one of his books called: “The Mantic ore: Day of the Beast,” and I believe is also true about the story you “A Romance in Augsburg.” Again Mr. Siluk’s relies on experience: --for he has faced it not only in war in Vietnam, and eleven years in the military, but a number of times elsewhere.
In “The Rape of Angelina…” you will sense it is being reported to you. Why? I prefer to say, because of the experiences of the writer. Mr. Siluk has traveled around the world, he has been to war, --faced death, and lived in Europe for years. He has had close to forty jobs and fought in a number of karate tournaments when he was young. He spent time in San Francisco, studying, under the famous Gosei Yamaguchi and his father the “Cat”, Gogan, a 10th degree black belt [1968-69], in his fifty-five years on earth, you get many sides of him in his stories.
He has mastered his imagination it is virtually unending. He has lived the bar life, and seen the side streets of many cities. The streets most would not dare travel down, he has told me it has been costly because of his health problems, but added, “It’s the price you pay, you don’t cry about it you just deal with it and pray God will give you one more mile…” He has been told by the press, after writing his first book in 1980, he was a writer who took the “Road Less Traveled”; how true that reviewer was.
In all stories a person writes I believe, it is for something, or someone, and although it is a hard business to say the least, nothing makes you feel better, Dennis has told me. He is virtually a prolific writer, as it has been said, and is quite obvious by the number of books he has written. I can honestly say, out of his fifteen books, this one is among the top three I like the very best, and the more I read it, the more I like it.
A closer Look
Mr. Siluk has written two books dealing with religion, and he has the educational background for it, being an ordained ministered in good standing at one time, he has not kept his credentials up [early 1990’s], yet has done missionary work in the mountains of Haiti [1986], along with a counseling book in which he is a licensed counselor; I say this because it comes out in his novels as well as his self-help book, on ‘addiction.’ He
has deep roots in Christianity. You can sense his dialogue or monologue with the sense of sin, not haunted by it, but reproduced at times I sense, as the author bares his soul as he writes. He does carry a strong objectivity.
Living life, as I mentioned above, you understand man’s nature, this you see in his books also, the moral responsibility, and the traveler. His frankness would seem he had a free license to amuse himself, and at times I think he is doing just that.
A closer look one will pick out the romancer pessimist, as in “A Romance in Augsburg,’ yet he is one step above this, making him no more a pessimist than an optimist, I am not sure what that makes him, but he does it in a mysterious way, cleverly. He does this the same way; he uses human nature, for he does not take it the hard way as one might think.
Most of his subject [s] in all fifteen-books are rooted in hopelessness, to a certain degree anyway, yet rather than play this out; --he turns it around, a charm that brings brightness to a bitter and/or cynical futuristic looking scene, thus, changing the ending. This is not only seen in his novels and short stories, but in his counseling book and spiritual and religious books. Again, there is some magic or mystery to it. What you see is a glimpse into a writer’s soul.
In closing, let me add two or three last statements, as one can see --his stories can be spontaneous, when especially using the analogy. I think what makes his characters illuminate, is he has his scenes often times fumble for it [the allegory], if you know what I mean, as it becomes visible. And I may be repeating myself, but the top of the line is the ingenuity in overcoming a difficult, one would not prefer to attempt to overcome, which shows skill. In the story, “A Romance in Augsburg,” And “The Rape of Angelina…” the characters overcome. As In the story of, “The Rape of Angelina…” she has to overcome the rape… --in the story of Sol, in the book, “Mantic ore: Day of the Beast,” again Sol has to overcome or…be left behind in the mist of defeat. In all cases you do not expect it to take place, or as I read it, prefer it to. But they do. It kind of makes it all worthwhile, if not the book, life in general, and maybe that also has a good place in the author’s resume.
I have not said anything about his trilogy concerning the Tiamat series; it is the first of its kind, taken place in 6840 BC. But the reason I leave these out is because I have quoted the strongest cases in the fifteen-books. Although the Tiamat series has for the most part, the same characteristics as Mr. Siluk’s other books, they seem to be a little mellower. Maybe he is becoming stronger in his writing I am not sure. Yet in the Tiamat series, you seem to get to know Sinned and the Tiamat rather closely, in a like manner, you get to know the author closer also.
A Few Pictures and brief outlines of Mr. Siluk’s Glastonbury & Avalon adventure:
1) Chalice Well
2) Glastonbury Abbey
3) The Tor
4) Gog & Magog
Chalice Well
Chalice Hill is between the Tor and the city [town] of Glastonbury, and one can feel the peace and tranquility while walking its slop. At the foot of its slop is Chalice Well [as seen in the picture above, of me standing over it]: --if one was to look into this folklore that goes along with Chalice Well, they would find Celtic literature, along with Arthurian quest for the Holy Grail, which was said to have been the chalice used at the Last Supper. As in the story you have just read, there are many legends and images that surround this ancient mystical area.
There resides in the area of Chalice Well, a complex subterranean system of an unknown size and depth; from this rises water in the spring at Chalice Well. Some say the water originates from Mendip Hills to its north, or the Black Hills in the South of Wales.
Glastonbury Abbey
Glastonbury Abbey, located in the center of town, by the Town Hall, is a moving magnificent and striking ruin. With its two remaining central towers in the background of me in the picture above, gives one a sense of the great mass the church must have been during its hay day. The Nave is around 90-feet wide. The history of this site as far as having a church on it dates to around 63 AD, when Joseph of Arimathea built a wattle church on this land given to him by King Arviragus [the Old Church].
The first building/church, to be building was considered to be in 1184 AD, know as the Church of St. Mary, or Lady Chapel, and was built on the same site as the Old Church. It seems as time went on, other Abbot’s added to the construction of the complex such as the kitchen and barn.
The Abbey Barn on these estates is a little small compared to the mass structures around it; but was used for the farming system of some 800-acres in the Glastonbury estate. The detail of the masonry is excellent, with emblems carved surrounding the barn. Inside, as I did enter it, again was breathtaking, more like an ancient church with its towering beams. The barn is 93 feet long and 33 feet wide, the roof was built to fit over this area; the timbers to support these heavy stone tiles of the roof are massive. There is, if any thing, life in that barn, and that is why it was used in the story of “The Rape of Angelina….” And one last thing concerning this area, King Arthur is buried along side of these ruins.
The Tor
The Tor can be seen whole-heartedly from Chalice Hill, and on top of the Tor as I am lying down in the picture; you can see the whole area of Avalon and beyond. It is some 520 feet above sea level, covered in grass as you can see, and at one time on the top, there was once a monastery, which one can see its dimensions if you walk about the summit, and what remains of the Tower-Monastery of St. Michael, built about 700 AD.
As I walked about this area up and down and around its manmade terraces one can only wonder at this pyramid angled hill rising like a sphinx, what the world was like back in those far off days. For King Arthur this was Avalon, for the Celtic, there was a goddess [Faerie Queen]. There are graves on the summit dating back to the Dark Ages. Many animal remains have been found here, indicating possible a settlement of sorts.
In this area between the Tor and the Abbey it is said there is a tunnel; as well as an underground spring; as well as the existence of a way to get to the gates of the underworld. As I walked its ground, it gave me only peace to be quite honest. Maybe it had it share of blood, whatever; it gave no resistance to me. As I am quite sensitive to its ghosts, --I was there on the day of the equinox, where I had seen in a dream vision the skulls within the Tor’s layers of ground. Maybe this inspired me to write my story, I cannot say for sure. But on my 24-times around the world there are very few places I would return to. And Avalon is one I would.
As I was saying a few inches back, the huge man cut terraces, one may call the rings of the Tor, a three-dimensional figure, its construction remains a mystery. I have used the Tor in two of my books, this one, “The Rape of Angelina…” And in the second book of my trilogy called “Gwyllion, Daughter of the Tiamat,” in doing so, with the second book I do explore the meaning a little bit, and add what I feel may have occurred, but then it is all fiction, or unproven non-fiction: --which is short for a theory, or concept.
Gog & Magog
Gog and Magog were fenced in when I visited the site not sure how it was back in the days of King Arthur, but for the story of “The Rape of Angelina…” it was fenced in for her also. As you can see by looking at the picture, one is directly in back of the other. I am standing, if I am correct, in front of Gog. I climbed the trees, as in the days of long ago, when folks came here for picnics and to celebrate the tree spirits. The insides are somewhat hollow, or so it seemed. The site is accessible to almost everyone in town. It is between the Tor, the Town of Glastonbury, and Chalice well; actually on the way to what I call the back of the Tor, and some may call the front entrance to the Tor. Depending on where you are coming from.
In the story of “The Rape of Angelina…” I used what I considered all the best sites in Glastonbury. This having quite a grand history for two old trees, legend would have you believe there was a monster said to be quite large in these parts of the West Country, who pulled up oak trees, and was killed by Brutus, who was said to be a descendant of Aeneas of Troy, some how between England, Rome and Greece, Troy comes up all the time. But so the legend was born of this monster. Brutus was the first of England’s Kings. With him he brought two giants, Gog and Magog. If we were to take this kings lineage, it would, Magog would relate to Noah being the second son of Japhet. And Japhet decedents [tribes] formed the Druid culture.
Gog and Magog are two oak trees in essence. One can walk from Wearyall Hill to and over the summit of Chalice Hill, from their keep walking in a straight line, and you end up at Gog and Magog. At this point you have walked about one mile. Now if you shift a little to the left or west, and I have walked all this, you can walk a straight line to the Abbey Church from Gog and Magog; if you shift a little to the east, you can walk a straight line to the Tor. Not sure what all this means, but I got tired a few times walking, especially from Gog and Magog to the Abbey; but more central is the Tor to both Gog and Magog and the Abbey. Meaning, since I was on the edge of the Tor, my distance to either one was almost the same. In any case I have said enough about my visit and book; I hope you have enjoyed this second edition.
One last word, if one was to go to this wondrous place, there is much more to see than I have shared with you, and I have only shared what I feel relates somewhat to the story. But the people are friendly, and the B&B on the edge of the Tor where I stayed was great, as well as my guide, I will not share their names, for maybe they are wise to be anonymous. But thanks to them my trip with my wife Rosa was a success.